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Friday, May 18, 2012

Venezia and jet lag!

As Danny and I embark on our Italian and Greek journey over the next week, I thought I'd try and send snippets of our travels. Primarily because I can't call our friends and Fam back home and secondarily to make you all jealous! Just kidding!! The pictures below are iPhone pics, so I'll post more when we return to the states.

Our first stop was Venice. It is a place neither Danny nor I have ever been and we thought it would be a great first stop on our journey.

We took the red eye into Italy and decided to stay up as long as we could to avoid jet lag the rest of the trip. Our failed attempt to sleep the whole flight over landed us exhausted in Italy at 2 am America time and 8 am Venice time. Once in, we found our bus and headed to piazzono Roma. Our hotel was a little hard to find, but once here the Hotel Caprera was charming and helpful. The water bus people however were not. Since we couldn't check in for another few hours, we thought we'd head to the island of Murano, where they make the glass. We quickly forgot about the European Laid back ways and lack of customer service and quickly gave up on that idea and headed to San Marco square.

Grabbing a piece of pizza to raise our spirits, we decided to trek through the streets and find our own way. Luckily, there are plenty of helpful signs. My jet lag was quickly sinking in and our patience for the other tourons (tourist plus morons) was very quickly dwindling. By the time we made it to San Marco square, I did NOT want to go in that crowd (pic below). We blasted through it, found a beer stand and sought refuge in a hidden garden (the pic of us below).

Quickly realizing that alcohol raises our spirits and energy, we relied on that to get us through the rest of the day. We Stopped in Harry's Bar to get an original Belini- which was way overpriced but delightful and delicious.

Feeling better and a little tipsy, We attempted taking a water taxi and a gondola and finally bought water bus tickets again to go to Murano- only to find out that the America Cup regatta race was here this week and we could not go out to the island. Feeling jet lagged again and getting low on our alcohol supply- we took the next boat back to our hotel area to grab some lunch. It was actually a great way to see the city- a few of the final pics below. We spent the rest of the day shopping, eating, drinking and finally passed out around 8 PM our time.

It was a great first day an after about 12 hours of sleep, we feel energized and ready to take on Florence for the next few days!

Hope you are all well and I hope to blog again soon!!

Jza Jza

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