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Monday, May 21, 2012

Firenze part due

Our second day in Florence was actually very successful considering the late night we had before.

We woke up later than hoped but headed out into a grey morning to check out the ponte vecchio (one of the only bridges in the world with buildings on it). We checked out the locks- where loved ones make a promise to their partner by locking their love on this bridge.

We headed to the galleria ufizzi right after and paid 5 extra euro to not wait in line--who needs to wake up early with that deal?? My favorite museum, the ufizzi, was packed with tourists and we shuffled through to find our favorites and admire the greats of the renaissance period. Botticelli's Venus is my favorite painting and I am always happy to see her there. Unfortunately many of the michelangelo's were not there, but it was still a successful trip.

We next headed back to the duomo and into the centre storico. My favorite part of the day was heading to the spedale da'gli innocenti- the old orphanage built by Brunelleschi himself. It contained stories of the orphanage and a few fra Fellipo lippi- and boticellis to boot.

Exhausted we headed back for a daily nap and run and wine and dined the evening away. Much less exciting than the night before but equally gratifying!

We are headed to sorrento to check out the Amalfi coast for a bit!

Hope you are all well!


Jza jza

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