Wedding Countdown Ticker

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Basta piova!

My family always jokes that it rain on any of my special occasions- birthdays, graduation parties, vacation- and it is pretty much true...which is partially why our wedding theme is umbrellas. Seriously it has been raining for 3 1/2 days straight. When you are on vacation and had hoped to do fun outdoor things and packed for warm weather, the rain can put a damper in your day.

We let the Reeves sleep off their jet lag and we grabbed breakfast at our hotel while it was still warm and sunny. After the others awoke and joined us, we headed straight to Pompeii. I have been here a few times, but it is always enjoyable. This time however, the sky broke and so did my umbrella. We spent a good few hours trolling around anyway and met up tired hungry and wet.

Instead of attempting anything else in the pouring rain- we headed back to Sorrento for a meal at la lanterna due. It was warm, had warm food, reasonably priced and most importantly all the alcohol we were desiring. Rick steves knows his crap-btw...

The rain let up a bit after our meal and we spent another hour shopping and walking around.

We headed back to Seiano, where our hotel was and had a night cap together. Danny and michael went out to the local bar for a bit and I faced timed for an hour with my mom, dad and Sam of course! It was great to talk to them and finally hear their voices- something I missed this week. The hotel concierge even gave my dad a 'ciao!'

A little frustrated with the rain- I am hoping the rest of our trip will be a bit warmer and sunnier!

Hope you are all enjoying the weather where you are!

Jza Jza

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