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Thursday, September 20, 2012

August Showers bring September Changes

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind.  I know I say this a lot lately and it makes me feel blessed for nights like the one I have.  I don't have to work, I don't have training, my girlfriends are all busy and Danny is at school.  Although I was ready to be social, it is actually really great to have a night to myself, watch bridal shows and clean my house.  I made a healthy meal, had a glass of yummy wine and feel really relaxed for the first time in a long time.

So much has happened in the past month.  In late August, I went home to Dayton for some ultimate wedding planning followed by a trip to Alabama the following weekend.  It was the official meeting of the families, which was a teeny bit stressful in the first place and our first bridal shower and official engagement party of the south.  More about that weekend in a moment but Danny also started school, started as Senior Deacon of the Freemasons, and has been working a lot.  I got a part time job at Paper Source, was elected to the Board of Governors for The Ohio State University Alumni Association of Washington DC and was promoted to event manager at CEB.  Needless to say, I had to give my two weeks at Paper Source after a short two weeks there but they were understanding and I bought out the store with my discount!!

Back to the weekend of the South!  We headed to Alabama and started our trip delayed but had a blast at the DCA airport bar.  Friday was spent getting ready for the shower, which was hosted by Jane and Karen, two lovely friends of my future mother in law, Judy.  Danny and I prepared for my parents' arrival and the first meal with the combined families!  My parents loved the food in Daphne, loved the southern hospitality and the families loved each other- who could ask for more!

The boys went to shoot guns in the morning while we ladies attended the brunch.  It was amazing even though I only really knew 5 people there!  The theme was lemons and limes (which match my color scheme) and Jane has an amazing touch with decor.  Karen made this amazing spiked frozen slushy punch and everyone I met that day was so generous and kind.  Although the Reeves don't have the massive size that my family does, they have an incredible and large group of friends that act in as aunts and uncles to Danny and Michael.  I re-met and met a lot of wonderful people at the shower and engagement party and feel really lucky to marry into this community.  Following the fab shower was a quick trip to the urgent care to take care of a bad reaction to allergies for my fiance and then to the co-ed engagement party.  Rich, my father-in-law to be made incredible fried fish and grilled shrimp and everyone had a blast.  Judy and Rich did a great job and I am so lucky to have my parents come down for that weekend.

Meyer Lemon Punch Bowl

Lemon themed gift bags!

My lovely family

Danny and two of the groomsmen

A very generous gift from Judy and Rich

Lovely Leslie and Lillian

Mimi gave me my getting ready outfit for the day of!

My lovely hostesses, Jane and Karen

My friend Nicole came all the way from NOLA!!!  Love you, girl!

Ladies of the shower

My new family!

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All together now!

Oh yeah, that is 2 huge bags of pecans...yum!
Groomsman Gary and lovely Larissa hung out all day!
  I don't know if it is all this talk of Alabama, my glass of wine or the four episodes of Say Yes To The Dress- Atlanta, but I'm feeling a little southern twang come on! Lovely last few weeks and looking forward to the crazy few months to come!

Xoxo Y'all!

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