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Friday, May 4, 2012

Buckeyes and Winos

This past week, one of my favorite people in the world, Anna, came into town with her 7th graders for their "Jr. High Washington, DC trip."  She was a trooper and made the trek out with me to have some wine (which I am pretty sure she desperately needed after spending a week with 60 7th graders) at one of my favorite VA spots- Freddie's Beach Bar.  It was so great to catch up with one of my favorite Buckeyes and I am so lucky to have a friend like her.  She is just amazing.  Many of you have met her and would totally agree.

The hash was there!  And Anna's cousin met up that night as well!

The following Saturday, my friend from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Jenna, celebrated her bachelorette party with a wine tour.  It was a blast.  We went to 8 Chains, Bluemont and North Gate Vineyards.  All beautiful and fun- but the day got a little hazy as it went on...

Lana giving us our instructions

Bride to be- listening intently

My present to the bride to be!

The planners

The group!

Two other brides to be!


Couldn't resist these cute groomsmen

Leah read a funny rendition of a Danielle's laugh here.
So glad she had fun and so excited for her!!!

I love myself some good friends and good wine (well, some of it was good wine).   It was an amazing, but exhausting week.  Looking forward to relaxing a bit, but that won't be happening until middle of June as we start our travel/wedding season!!

Jza Jza

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