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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sorrento- land o' limoncello

Yesterday morning, we woke up early and headed to the train station for our trip to the Amalfi coast. We first had to take a freccia train to Naples, then get on a curcumvesuvia train to sorrento. The whole thing took about 4-5 hours.

We get off our stop at seiano just in time to realize we have to lug our luggage up an extremely windy uphill road. After getting our work out in for the day, we checked in and grabbed a drink by the pool until the rest of the clan got there.

Not too long after our arrival, the reeves showed up experiencing the same obnoxious trek and jet lagged. We convinced them to keep going and we directly heads to sorrento. We had a great afternoon of trying every limoncello around, basic shopping, admiring the sea and eating yummy food.

A pretty tame but fun day! The pics below are of our pool area an the view from our hotel. I was distracted by all the limoncello and forgot to pull out te ole iPhone for pics!

Miss an love you all!

Jza jza

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