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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Capri boat trips and Rome

We woke up really really early to head out to the island of Capri with Dan and michael. They were a little hungover and dragging- but manned up once we got a beer in Danny and fresh air for Mike.

We had to take a train to Sorrento, a ferry to Capri and we looked for a boat tour to the blue grotto. Last time I was in Capri, I had a little accident with a rented moped, so I missed the blue grotto- this time I made sure to see it.

Instead of taking a generic tour boat- we opted for a private tour for 4 euro more a piece but totally worth every euro penny! The blue grotto was closed but we saw the white, green and little blue grottos. We even boated through a keyhole rock and Danny got to drive the boat!!

After a little seasickness on my end- he finished the tour and we left with smiling faces. We headed back to Sorrento- walked up 125 stairs and departed for Rome.

Once in Rome- we headed our for dinner and then to the Trevino fountain and Spanish steps- both great at night on the dark. We finished the evening with some gelato and headed straight to bed.

A full day in three cities- I call that a success!!

Ill tell you about Greece tomorrow!

Jza Jza

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