Wedding Countdown Ticker

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

1 year to go!

Danny and I are officially starting the T-1 year countdown to our wedding! We did so with a few close friends this weekend with a small party at our place.  Lucky us, our friend Ben was in town from Denver!  He was pretty much the reason Danny and I are together and the photographer of our first kiss...ahem...make out session.  If it weren't for Ben for introducing me to the hash and/or PBR and tequila shots, Danny and I may not be starting our lives together! :)

5 1/2 years later!
Thanks, Ben!

Since I recently scheduled my flowers for our wedding, I really wanted to play with some of the more interesting ones.  I went to Little Shop of Flowers, which was pretty expensive but well worth it for these beauties!

I bought the mason jar vases at Paper Source- matching our yellow and green theme and tying in Danny's southern roots.  These were a perfect precursor for our wedding!

Everyone had a great time...maybe too good of a time- we killed a bottle of Jack Daniels (for Jacqueline and Daniel) in a few short hours...

Small snack display with our new chafing dish! (yay wedding registry!) :)

Brought home a little touch of Dayton with Ohio's own Cheryl and Co Cookies!

Our bar...well utilized!

Selma, Tayo and Danny

Shannon, Bridesmaid Leah and Ben

Santi and new friend, Gary

Love birds Rachel and Chris!

Tayo is such a ham :)

Great night with great friends!!!
Looking forward to the next few weeks- be back after Memorial Day with updates!!!

Happy spring to all of  my followers- love you all!

Jza Jza

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! So excited for you! And I love seeing a picture of Ben! Love ya! Brie
