Wedding Countdown Ticker

Thursday, September 22, 2011

First Comes Love, then Comes Marriage, then Comes Babies Everywhere!

Oh me oh my- are my girlfriends busy! 

Most of my friends are already married, but the last few have recently been getting engaged- In addition to three engagements at my office, my best friend Leah recently said "Yes!" to her long time boyfriend, Scotty.   They recently got engaged in Hawaii and I am the lucky lady to plan their wedding and be a bridesmaid.  The same weekend, our friends, Timmy and Tara, became engaged in San Fran and we are getting ready for a whirlwind wedding for Greg and Jeri- saving on those taxes!

Leah and Scotty

Timmy and Tara

Greg and Jeri!

On top of weddings, people are getting pregnant in Northern Ohio! (Must be in the water or something!)  Congrats to Brieanne and Jeff who are having their first in April and Celina and Glenn who are expecting their second!

Brie and Jeff

CeCe and Glenn
Congrats to all my friends who are expanding their families and taking on new ones- what an exciting time in your lives!! 

 Our family is loving our new little addition and as a proud aunt- here are a few pics of James!  I can't wait to meet him at Thanksgiving and spend some quality time with him right before Christmas!!

So Cute- I love love love him!

The Happy Family!

Congrats to all!!

Jza Jza

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