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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Big Move

Sorry for the lack of posts lately, but we have been a little crazy over at the Shempp/Reeves household(s).  We finally found an apartment and moved in on Monday.  It is only three blocks away, but it feels like a whole other world.  We are really in the heart of Adams Morgan now and much more metropolitan than before.  Although we loved our old apartment, we are definitely excited about our new place!

Danny went to Dylan and Kelly's wedding over the weekend, but unfortunately didn't take any pictures!  I had some low key one on one time with some friends and spent the weekend packing up the rest of our house.  That and watching Ohio State lose...ugh...this is going to be a long season.

One of my dad's best friends, Fred, came to visit Washington, DC and took us out for some great drinks and dinner!  We had drinks at the St. Regis- which had amazing bloody mary's.  Then we were off to Bistro Du Coin, our favorite french restaurant in Dupont Circle.  We were almost part of a crime scene when our terrible cab driver came inches away from killing someone as he plowed through a red light.  Luckily we all screamed at him in time and got the heck out of that cab!  We just wanted to add a little excitement to Uncle Fred's visit :)  We definitely needed a drink after that!

Danny, myself and Uncle Fred after a delicious meal!

It was great to catch up with Fred and hear about all the fun places he has been going to lately.  After dinner it was back to packing and cleaning as we got ready for the morning move!

We are in the new apartment, but not so much settled.  We will be lucky to have gone through our boxes by the weekend, but I'll take some pictures as soon as we have some floor space!

Hope you all had a great week!

Xoxo, Jza Jza 

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