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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Shake, Rattle and Roll with it!

We had quite the eventful weekend/week.  My work happy hour was on Friday night for the Meetings Department at CEB.  We went to Lauriel Plaza for margaritas and guacamole.  Danny was able to join us for a Dos Equis or two and obviously blew away my co-workers with his looks and charm! 

Amy J and I.

Sunday, we went to the West Wing Tour of the White House, thanks to our friend, Danielle, who is currently working there.  Unfortunately, you can't take pictures inside, but here we are next to the seal.

Thanks, Danielle for a great tour!

We were treated with a 5.8 earthquake on Tuesday.  I felt it from 23 stories up, pretty scary.  Danny was upset that he missed the whole thing in his car on the way to Subway.  Then they wouldn't even make him a sandwich :(  All is well, though.  We had a few picture frames break, but nothing major thankfully.  Our family and friends from New York City to Ohio felt it!  Thanks to everyone for your concerns. 

We are looking forward to a less shaky weekend, as my cousin, Chelsea, comes to visit tomorrow!  Althogh we may be in the midst of a hurricane!!! 
Jza Jza

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