Wedding Countdown Ticker

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Hello friends and family!  So I decided to take the plunge, give in to technomology and create a blog.  Not that my life is very exciting, but the busier I get, the worse I get at keeping in touch.  Hopefully by updating my information, it will inspire me to reach out to all of you more and more! 

A little about me:  I live with my wonderful boyfriend, Danny, and our beta fish, Hans Gruber, in Adams Morgan, DC.  We love our little neighborhood, but are getting kicked out of our apartment soon.  Damn you eviction (just kidding!!)  Our apartment building is turning into condos and we opted to not buy.  So we are on the hunt for the perfect (or just cheap) apartment in the same area. 

Danny spends his time studying for the GMAT, being involved with the Freemasons, anything sports and drinking beers with his buddies.  (Ask him about bear fights next time you see him).   I have been keeping very busy with a new promotion to Event Specialist at work, planning social events on the side, training for the NYC marathon and getting ready for my first nephew this fall!  So excited to be an aunt! :)

I plan to use this blog to update you on my life, the events I plan and things I love.  I hope you enjoy!

Jacqueline "Jza Jza"

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