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Monday, July 23, 2012

Catch up blog

Yes I have been a terrible blogger lately but I lost my camera cord. Now I can update everything straight from my iPad- I mean who really needs a computer anymore??!!

So here is what we have been missing.

I said goodbye to one of my best friends, Rick, to the peace corps. He will be in Africa for two years and I am so proud if him for following his dreams. Miss you so much, Ricky!!!

We also got some great photos from John and Kristen's wedding at Long View Gallery here in DC. Check out their unique flowers and home made brew!

Finally, check out fourth of July. It was over 110 heat index in our Nation's Capital that day- we went to the Nat's game and that is about all we could handle. It was a blast though and we got hang our with the awesome Rachel and Chris. Thanks for the invite!!

We are trying to stay cool here in DC and hope you are all having a great summer!

Jza Jza

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