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Monday, June 4, 2012

Last day in santorini and a pirate ship!

Well this post is Lon overdue.... Our last day in santorini was great. We had a boat trip planned for 3 pm that day- so I spent the day laying out and packing for our 6 am flight the next day. Danny and the rest of the gang took out the atv's for a trip to a monastery and I just took them out for a quick trip to lunch. They are so fun!

We boarded the pirate ship at 4ish and were quickly on our way. We went to a live volcano and had great views of the Greek islands. We then sailed overto a hot spring. We jumped into freezing cold water to actually only swim into Luke warm water. It was cool though and the water was waaaaay saltier than I ever imagined.

Our trip concluded with a saxophone performance as we watched the sun set- so beautiful. By teens of the day I was ready for dry land and honestly, to head back to the states.

It was an amazing trip and I was sad to say good bye to santorini- but being back in the routine has been great too.

Jza Jza

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