Wedding Countdown Ticker

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I'm back!

Okay so after our Europe trip we wanted to lay low for a bit- relax and get ready for the summer craziness. That relaxation never really came so apologies for the lack of posts. Double apologies for this phone post- I lost my camera cord. But will post real pictures soon.

We were invited to 4 weddings over 4 weeks, so that has kept us busy! Congrats Jenna and Nishant, Steve and Laura and John and Kristin! I unfortunately missed the first two, but heard they were spectacular!

This past weekend we went to a wedding for John and Kristin. I promise a more detailed post in a few days but wanted to post a few iPhone pics now!

They looked amazing and it was a blast!

Oh and if you think my escuse for not posting is lame- I was stung by a bee on my eyelid- proof below!!

Can't wait to her how your summers are going!

Jza Jza

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