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Friday, June 29, 2012

May the rewards be ever in our favor!

Our rewards and recognition team at work have chosen the Hunger Games as the theme of this years campaign.

Today I not only got a shout out for being awesome...just kidding- it was randomly selected, but I got a belated birthday pie and gift card.

Pie was from Pie Sisters in Georgetown- and it was awesome!!

They incorporated the theme into everything- from the bakery sign to the little parachutes. If you haven't read or seen the Hunger Games- I recommend it!!

I love my department!!

Jza Jza

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I'm back!

Okay so after our Europe trip we wanted to lay low for a bit- relax and get ready for the summer craziness. That relaxation never really came so apologies for the lack of posts. Double apologies for this phone post- I lost my camera cord. But will post real pictures soon.

We were invited to 4 weddings over 4 weeks, so that has kept us busy! Congrats Jenna and Nishant, Steve and Laura and John and Kristin! I unfortunately missed the first two, but heard they were spectacular!

This past weekend we went to a wedding for John and Kristin. I promise a more detailed post in a few days but wanted to post a few iPhone pics now!

They looked amazing and it was a blast!

Oh and if you think my escuse for not posting is lame- I was stung by a bee on my eyelid- proof below!!

Can't wait to her how your summers are going!

Jza Jza

Monday, June 4, 2012

Last day in santorini and a pirate ship!

Well this post is Lon overdue.... Our last day in santorini was great. We had a boat trip planned for 3 pm that day- so I spent the day laying out and packing for our 6 am flight the next day. Danny and the rest of the gang took out the atv's for a trip to a monastery and I just took them out for a quick trip to lunch. They are so fun!

We boarded the pirate ship at 4ish and were quickly on our way. We went to a live volcano and had great views of the Greek islands. We then sailed overto a hot spring. We jumped into freezing cold water to actually only swim into Luke warm water. It was cool though and the water was waaaaay saltier than I ever imagined.

Our trip concluded with a saxophone performance as we watched the sun set- so beautiful. By teens of the day I was ready for dry land and honestly, to head back to the states.

It was an amazing trip and I was sad to say good bye to santorini- but being back in the routine has been great too.

Jza Jza