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Thursday, March 8, 2012

OAR and the Shot-Ski!

Last week,we went to the O.A.R. concert with a few friends at the 9:30 Club.  We had a blast!  I love O.A.R., as does one of my besties from college, Corey, and my friend from work, Lindsay.  A local band to the DMV area, many members of the band went to The Ohio State University.  The three of us sang all night while our significant others bopped along and enjoyed the show. 

Getting ready for the show to begin!

Our spot- pretty good!

Corey, Erica and I

Since it was a long night, we kept it pretty low key for the rest of the weekend.  Our friends ditched us for brunch (just kidding, Elizabeth!) so we both took multiple naps on Saturday.  See, I told you guys we were boring!  This is why there have been a lack of posts.

We did go out to celbrate Nic's birthday for Sunday Funday and headed to a favorite, the Biergarten Haus.  Schnitzel, Bratwurst and Beers...Oh My!  Oh and a shot-ski.

We parked on Wylie Street!  (My dog's name is Wylie)

Preparing the shot-ski

Discussing Tactics...

Epic fail for the short ladies in the middle!

Danny and the birthday Boy

Elizabeth and I!
It was a nice relaxing weekend with the perfect amount of fun, which we needed to prepare for a crazy busy week!

Jza Jza

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