Wedding Countdown Ticker

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

First Stop: Dallas

First of all, Happy New Year!  It was a whirlwind end of the year for Danny and I.  I apologize for the lack of posting- things got a little crazy at work and I have been under the weather. But enough about that- I hope you all had a great holiday season.  Boy, it went by fast!  I can't believe we are at the end of January already.  I thought planning a wedding a year and half out would be a smart move- and I am glad I did- time is flying!

Our first stop of our tour of the southern states was to see my brother, Peter, and my sister-in-law, Katie, and my new cutie pie nephew, James.  The first night we arrived, they threw a little party.  It was great to meet their friends and mingle.  Katie did a great job decorating and I loved all of the little details!

Formal Dining Room- So elegant!

Dinette in Kitchen

Love these!


Love the cinnamon stick touch!

Their Life Group

Right before date night- horse carriage ride through Dallas!

Uncle Danny
We had a blast visiting PJ and Katie- it went by too quickly!  Hopefully we can see again soon!

We love you James!

Aunt Jacqueline and Uncle Danny

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