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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Running the Turkey Trot

One of my favorite Thanksgiving traditions, which my brother and I started about 5 years ago, is the Turkey Trot.  Held on Thanksgiving morning, we are usually a little hungover and freezing cold- a great combination to run 5 miles around a sewage plant.  Although the weather and scenery aren't the best- the company is always great and grows each year.  This year, my Aunt Emily took Katie's place since she stayed home with the baby.

The Shempp Clan (and Danny) :)

With Emily

The originals- you can tell how cold we are!
I love my family and I love running- it is the perfect bond for Turkey Day morning!  Oh and our new tradition is stopping at the Hamburger Wagon for a Thanksgiving morning snack!  YUM!

What are your favorite holiday traditions?

Jza Jza

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