Wedding Countdown Ticker

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ladies Holiday Cocktails and Our Engagement Party Weekend!

This weekend was a busy one!  As the holiday season nears and we leave for our southern states tour, we have been booked solid for the last two weeks!  Last Friday, Leah planned a girl's cocktail party.  Since I love to do table settings, she let me take reign over the table decor!  Leah had tons of food and of course since we are all girls, no one barely ate!  It was beautiful though!

The bar with homemade Sangria and garnishes galore!

The seating area- plain candles were spruced up with dried fruits and cranberries.

The main table.  We used a red green and white theme and kept the main focus on the beautiful food!

An easy way to spruce up a boring windowsill.

Adding some color to our votives.

Leah used fancy wine and liquor bottles for her candle holders!  Fun and easy DIY project!

The following night, Danny and I had our engagement party for our friends in DC at the Blaguard.  Hosted by our dear friends, Nic and Elizabeth, we had a fun and classy time in the new upstairs bar area.  With sparkling champagne and a 9-foot Subway Sub (Danny's engagement present from me), we had a great night with great friends.  The highlight of the evening was Danny's speech.  I am so lucky to be marrying such an amazing man! :)  Thanks to Nic and Elizabeth and all of our friends who came out!  Our first celebration was a fun one!

Champagne all around!

Danny's 9-Foot Sub!

I made Rum Cake Cupcakes- Danny's favorite!
One of my bff's, Corey, made it out!  Pirate leg and all!

Nic, our host, lighting the sparklers!

Voila!  It's time to party!

Danielle (also recently engaged), myself and our hostess, Elizabeth

Jza Jza and Ray Ray

Me and the Naval Lodge Crew!


With Santi!

Thank you, Carter for making the trip up to see us!

Late night with Leah!
It was an incredible weekend and we couldn't have had so much fun without all of our amazing friends!  Now we gear up for a few more parties (5 between the two of us in the next 3 days) and then off to see more friends and family!   Love you all!

Jza Jza

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Top Chef Party

This past weekend I was the onsite contact for a holiday party at our Conference Center.  Coming in on a Saturday isn't everyone's ideal work schedule, but I really enjoyed this event and look forward to many more social parties.

The company was called North Highland and they dressed our conference center to the nines.  With floral on every table, multiple kids tables and a demo and menu designed by Top Chef Mike Isabella- it was a party to remember.

Bar area

Adult mingling area

Photo booth with Top Chef props

MYO Trail Mix table

Holiday Painting

Top Chef Mike Isabella and his sous chef, Jessica.

During his demo

Mike's dinner display

It was a long day, but a great event and I am happy to have a part in it!  Plus the food was awesome! :)

Looking forward to many more of the same!

Jza Jza

Running the Turkey Trot

One of my favorite Thanksgiving traditions, which my brother and I started about 5 years ago, is the Turkey Trot.  Held on Thanksgiving morning, we are usually a little hungover and freezing cold- a great combination to run 5 miles around a sewage plant.  Although the weather and scenery aren't the best- the company is always great and grows each year.  This year, my Aunt Emily took Katie's place since she stayed home with the baby.

The Shempp Clan (and Danny) :)

With Emily

The originals- you can tell how cold we are!
I love my family and I love running- it is the perfect bond for Turkey Day morning!  Oh and our new tradition is stopping at the Hamburger Wagon for a Thanksgiving morning snack!  YUM!

What are your favorite holiday traditions?

Jza Jza

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Well, my work and social life is finally dying down and I have a minute or two to update the blog!  I finally met baby James this past weekend and he wasn't the only visitor.  We had almost the entire family on my Mom's side (we missed you, Andrea!!!) and my grandparents and Aunt Emily on my Dad's side. 

With 35 people around over Thanksgiving weekend, we had a blast with everyone.  It is my favorite time of year and I am so happy to be able to spend it with my awesome family!

The Peaceful Pines household

Our family with newcomers Danny and James!

Wylie is so funny!

Baby James

3 generations of Peter James Shempp

Danny didn't want to take couples pictures.  haha

But they turned out great!

Me and Wylie!!  love love love :)

Our haystack placecards

A plain box filled with moss, pinecones and acorns set the earthy tone for our table.

More updates to come on the centerpieces and decor for our annual pre-Thanksgiving party!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I look forward to December!

Jza Jza

Thursday, November 3, 2011


As I have been preparing for the New York Marathon, I have also been preparing for a proposal.  I was absolutely convinced that I was getting engaged in New York City during the NYC Marathon weekend.  

Danny and I had plans to go on a Capitol dome tour a while ago and I just thought it was another fun DC cultural outing.  Little did I know what was to come!

Check out the Video!

One of our first dates was a Capitol tour- 5 years ago Danny worked on the hill and one of his jobs as an intern was to give countless tours of the Capitol.  It was a really fun day and the fact that we went back made the engagement even more special!  After the proposal, we met 30 or so of our friends at Senator Wyden's hideaway office for a champagne reception.  I couldn't be happier!

A few picture of the big moment- to check out all of our pictures, please go here: Engagement Pictures

Thank you for all the well wishes!  We couldn't be happier!  On to wedding planning!

Jza Jza