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Monday, April 23, 2012

Makris Cookout!

So I bit the bullet and bought a new camera.  My photos should be much crisper and a higher quality from now on- YAY!   I got this camera about 2 hours before I took the below photos, so please bear with me as I learn the ropes of my new Nikon J1...

We had a great weekend.  Starting Friday with date night and spending most of Saturday taking our engagement photo shoot.  I can't wait to see the pictures and I'll update once we receive them from our photographer- Tim Lundin of TDL Photography.

Saturday night we made dinner for another couple- Jay and Courtney and had a great time- always so much fun when we all hang out!

Sunday was Elizabeth and Nic's annual cookout.  As always, I offered to decorate the event and Elizabeth and Nic so graciously let me!  I went with a simple pail and daisy theme.  Terrible weather (think 40 degrees and freezing rain) forced us inside, but did not damper the mood at all!

To create the summery feel on this cold day, I used white and yellow daisies.  I took metal pails from The Container Store and incorporated strips of decorative masking tape to add the red and white "cookout" theme. 

They did leak though, so we had to put cutesy cocktail napkins underneath

The tape is super easy to remove and looks professionally done!
To add to the cookout theme, I bought a cheap tablecloth from ACE Hardware and cut it into 2 inch strips.  From there, I wrapped silverware with white napkins and tied a strip of the tablecloth into a bow.  I put them in a big basket and presented it at the head of the table- setting our theme from the get go.

Tablecloth was 5 dollars and gave that cookout feel without being too overpowering.

The layout of the land
Red glass beads and a votive were placed in mini pails to set the mood.

Since we couldn't put the lanterns outside, I placed them inside to give that summer feel.

I bought these at Target for $1 a piece!  Love those dollar bins!

To class it up a bit, I placed single stems of snap dragons in between the pails of daisies on the table and throughout the space.
The day was long but so much fun.  Nic and Elizabeth have great friends and family and we are so happy to be a part of their group!

Miss Alicia!

Ted and Danny catching up

Nic (our host and grill master) and Eric throw some gang signs...

Danny and I braving the 40 degree weather! yikes!

It always feels like summer when you make watermelon margaritas!

...and Strawberry Sangria- YUM!

Our hostess with the mostess- Elizabeth!
Thanks again to our gracious hosts and we look forward to many more parties to come this summer!  Our calendars are booked through the middle of June, so I'll have plenty to blog about this spring/summer!!

Jza Jza

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

For all the space nerds out there....

The Space Shuttle Discovery took its final flight over Washington, DC.  Luckily I have a great view from my office- one of the perks of living in this city and working for the WCC.

With the fighter jet escort

Proof I was there! :)
To see all of the photos- go to my picassa album.

Jza Jza